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Here you will find our rich and varied archive of blog posts, from media and video content to guest posts and long reads. Keep an eye out for new entries.

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This weekend would have seen our first workshop on wrestling, gender and entertainment.

Before Shakespeare and Engendering the Stage are delighted to announce our next performance workshop, focusing on combat as entertainment—in both Shakespeare’s time and today.

In celebration of her new book, Lena Liapi writes a guest post on rogues in print. We are delighted that Roguery in Print is now in print!

One of the concerns of Before Shakespeare is the impact of the canon on contemporary performance, editorial practice and theatre history.

One of the concerns of Before Shakespeare is the impact of the canon on contemporary performance, editorial practice and theatre history.

One of the concerns of Before Shakespeare is the impact of the canon on contemporary performance, editorial practice and theatre history. Dramatists, like playhouses, are often divided, either explicitly or implicitly, into groups deemed major or minor.